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The latest policy portfolio of the State Council is released to help the Beijing Stock Exchange serve 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-06      Origin: Site

The latest policy portfolio of the State Council is released to help the Beijing Stock Exchange serve 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises

Innovation is the only way for the development of a country and an enterprise. Only innovators will advance, only innovators will be strong, and only innovators will win.With the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in July 2021 devoted to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the central and local governments have paid more attention to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The establishment has further stimulated the enthusiasm and confidence of small and medium-sized enterprises across the country to take the road of 'specialization, specialization and new' development. However, due to rising raw material prices, insufficient orders, difficult and expensive labor, slow collection of accounts receivable, and new coronary pneumonia Affected by the outbreak of the epidemic, power outages and power cuts in some areas, 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises have increased cost pressures and intensified operational difficulties.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council are very concerned about this and have made policy arrangements.On October 20, 2021, the executive meeting of the State Council studied and deployed multiple strategies to increase targeted efforts to help enterprises.Recently, three documents, 'Notice on Further Strengthening the Relief and Assistance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises', 'List of Practical Things to Do for 'Specialized, Specialized and New' Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' and 'Several Measures to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' have been issued successively. Helping enterprises to bail out and stimulate vitality at the same time, benefit both the current and the long-term, and form a '1+2' long and short policy 'combined boxing' to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.'1+2'Long and Short Policy'Combined Boxing' The important focus is to help the Beijing Stock Exchange to serve 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.

The first is to improve the policy support system of the Beijing Stock Exchange to serve 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.'1+2'Long and Short Policy'Combined Boxing'The '1' in the 'Combination Box' refers to the 'Notice on Further Strengthening the Bailout and Assistance to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' issued by the General Office of the State Council, '2 'Refers to the 'List of Practical Things for 'Specialized, Specialized, New' Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and 'Several Measures to Enhance the Competitiveness of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises' issued by the State Council Leading Group Office for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The 'Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of High-quality Manufacturing Enterprises', the 'Notice on Supporting the High-quality Development of 'Specialized, Specialized and New' Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' issued by the Ministry of Finance, etc. Policy support, 'specialized, special, and new' policy support system for small and medium-sized enterprises is accelerating.'Specialized, Specialized and New' Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Policy Support System is not only the policy basis for 'Specialized, Specialized, Specialized and New' Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Development, but also the Beijing Stock Exchange to speed up the service'Specialized, Specialized and New' Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, improve small and medium-sized enterprises Basic grips and key guidelines for innovation and specialization levels.

The second is to strengthen the Beijing Stock Exchange's direct financing support for 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.On November 15, 2021, the Beijing Stock Exchange opened. More than half of the 81 first batch of listed companies are 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises, of which 16 are specialized and special new 'little giant' enterprises.However, the potential of my country's 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises has not yet been brought into play, and the effectiveness of the Beijing Stock Exchange's service 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises has not been fully exerted, and it needs continuous efforts and long-term efforts.'1+2' Long and Short Policies'Combination Boxes' 'Several Measures to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' clearly proposes to deepen the reform of the New Third Board, give full play to the role of the Beijing Stock Exchange in serving small and medium-sized enterprises, and create a service-innovative small and medium-sized enterprise. Owner's position.The 'List of Practical Things for 'Specialized, Specialized, Specialized, and New' Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' also clearly stipulates that the stock exchange and the New Third Board provide full-process and full-cycle consulting services for 'specialized, refined, and new' small and medium-sized enterprises with the intention of listing or listing. .In the regional equity market promotion and establishment of 'specialized special new ' special board.This provides new impetus and new guidance for the Beijing Stock Exchange to support the direct financing of 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.

The third is to play the role of the Beijing Stock Exchange in promoting the gradual cultivation of 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed that by 2025, it will strive to incubate one million innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, cultivate 100,000 provincial-level 'specialized and special new' small and medium-sized enterprises and 10,000 specialized and special new 'little giant' enterprises, and The single champion of manufacturing with about 1,000 companies.The realization of the cultivation goal requires the in-depth participation of the capital market, and the Beijing Stock Exchange will have more opportunities to participate in the cultivation, growth and development of 'specialized, refined and new' small and medium-sized enterprises, from solving the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, financing The core issues such as your price are forcing more innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of 'specialization, specialization and new' development.As the national and local governments speed up the cultivation of 'little giants' enterprises, the role and ability of the Beijing Stock Exchange to serve the 'specialized and new' small and medium-sized enterprises in gradient cultivation will also be further enhanced.

With the implementation of the '1+2' long and short policy 'combination boxing', the Beijing Stock Exchange will base on a more complete policy support system to serve 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises, and direct financing support will also play a role. Will continue to play, the Beijing Stock Exchange will also play a role in promoting multi-level capital market ties, and cultivate more 'specialized, special and new' small and medium-sized enterprises.

(The author of this article works at the SME Research Institute of CCID Think Tank)

Responsible editor: Wu Lilin

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